Friday, August 15, 2008

At Mom's school again.

hey peoples im at my mom's school again! we had our open house today! that was fun.i made some new friends, and found some old friends, and saw some friends summer camp. i have all advanced classes!!!!!!

I CUT MY HAIR!!!! If you don't know me, I had two foot long hair!! very long anyhow. I cut it a little bit longer than my shoulders. I just needed a new "do" for middle school. lol! I am donating it to locks of love!! yay.


My iguana is still with us, he/she is still name-less. Any one have any suggestions? He still has those brown spots on his back, sadly. Does anyone know how to cure this sickness? He's just a baby! He's adorable!!!!!

So, me, my brother, and one of the other teacher's kids, are in my Mom's class room, listening to country music. boo hoo. my broher won't let me listen to anything else. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........

My mom's in a's taking FOREVER. gggrrrrrrrrrr.................

I'm bored, but I don't know what to talk about.....................................

Well, I guess that's all for now, um, I guess if I'm bored enough, I will come back and write more so....... ttyl

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hey! I am Back

Hey! Sorry I haven't Posted anything in so long! I have just been busy lately.

I think I should tell you people a little more about myself. I have a dog named Marley, she's a boxer, I have a rabbit named Sammy, a snake named Kuda, like 7 fish, 2 beta fish, and an iguana we haven't named yet! Can anyone think of a name but I am not talking about a name like , "Iggy" or " Mr. Iguana". I want a name that's different, something tropical, any suggestions? I am not sure how long the iguana is going to last, he has these brown spots on his back and he looks very thin. Does anyone know how to cure this sickness?

School is almost here! I can't believe how fast the summer has gone! Right now I am at my Mom's school, she's at a meeting, getting ready for the students to come! My brother is watching Star Wars on the TV. I'm typing away......................

I miss all my friends back at Elementary school! Hi guys!! Leave a comment if you want!

Well, that wraps stuff up for me today! TTYL!!